The Intelligent Charging App is designed to optimize the charging of your electric vehicle. The app will optimize the charging of your car based on the current power prices and your car's battery capacity. The app will also take into account the time you need your car to be fully charged.
Below are the predicted power prices for the selected period of charging shown as well as the optimal charging strategy. Additionally a naive linear charging pattern is shown to highlight the pattern of the optimal charging strategy.
Historical predictive performance of the Intelligent Charging App. The predictive performance of the Danish power prices are showns in the first plot. These are mapped with the actual power prices to demonstrate our predicitve performance.
Historical planning performance of the Intelligent Charging App. In the second plot the costs associated with using a linear naive charging strategy is plotted against the optimized charging strategy from our Intelligent Charge App.
For this scenario it is assumed that the car is plugged the provided charge plan is followed every third night.
Scheduling optimized charging plan